Dear Brothers and Sisters in Blue,
TSA HQ revised the Table of Penalties regarding disciplinary action effective October 11, 2018. As per the Table of Penalties, TSA is favoring progressive discipline as stated in the guideline itself. The punishment has mostly increased in comparison to the old Table of Penalties.
TSA HQ also added several other chargeable penalties such as a no call/no show to a shift trade or overtime (whether voluntary/involuntary). As an example, on the 2nd offense of, the penalty reads up to removal. A third offense is removal. Likewise, Sick Leave Abuse is no longer a corrective action. It has been added to the Table of Penalties as a chargeable offense, and the penalties are not favorable at all.
In other words, any combination of discipline after October 11, 2018, can lead to your removal. We caution everyone at this time to report to duty, as scheduled, and especially if you signed up for a shift trade or overtime, do not commit a no call/no show. It could lead to your removal per the Table of Penalties.